If Your Mobile Phone Does More than Make Calls, It Needs Protection Too
Face it, the days of having a mobile phone that simply makes calls are long gone. So as the computing power of our smart phones grows, so too must the measures we take to protect them ... just as we do for our computers and laptops. Below are some of the latest issues that should be on your security radar.
Malware-Infected Apps:
mobile malware is on the rise. It is becoming more common and more dangerous, particularly on the Android platform. Google itself has even revealed that malware may now impact some 5 million Android users.
SMS phishing, or "smishing," is to cell phones what phishing is to PCs and laptops. This new and rapidly growing threat is designed to trick the user into visiting a compromised website and/or giving out personal information. The messages contain warnings like "Visit here to cancel your $20/month subscription," or enticements like "Click here to claim your $25 reward."
Man-in-the-Middle (or Man-in-the-Browser) Exploits: This tactic is gaining popularity on both mobile and PC platforms. The most common method for this scam involves a compromised hotspot, where an attacker hijacks an unencrypted Wi-Fi access point, then delivers phony versions of various websites to users who are connected to the web through that access point. These fake sites look just like the real thing, so a user connected to a restaurant's free Wi-Fi and contacting his bank, webmail provider, or online shopping site doesn't realize his name, address and credit card number might be going directly to this hacker.
Google Maps Has Hidden Features
Now that Google has collected so much data with its Street Views initiative, it features Time Travel in some areas which lets users see Street Views going back in time. You can also create your own private map via the My Maps function.
Learn all the time saving tricks now.
Lenovo's ThinkPad X1 Carbon Touch
With a slim design, a speedy hard drive and a pleasing carbon fiber construction, this is an ultrabook that executives will want to have. It features a 1,600 by 900 resolution screen, great keyboard and dual pointing devices. It is powerful enough to edit large spreadsheets yet light enough to be carried around from office to office throughout your building. Plus, it's a corporate manageable system, so it won't make a mess of your IT security setup, according to PCMag.com. Get more specs here.
Will we one day use our heartbeat as a password?
Fingerprints may be more secure than passwords, but they still can be copied and/or stolen, leaving the gold standard for data protection still open. A Toronto-based biometrics technology company believes your actual heartbeat might be the most foolproof way to authenticate your identity. They are developing a wristband that measures a person's unique heartbeat. It's conceivable that in the future, you can tap this wristband to a store terminal and not ever fuss with a credit card or even a PIN to authenticate yourself.

A recent cyberattack on Anthem, one of the nation's largest health insurers, resulted in hackers gaining access to 80 million records that included Social Security numbers, birthdays, addresses, email and employment information and income data for both employees and customers. As serious as this is, it points to a larger issue which is the vulnerability of the healthcare industry against cyberattacks. As reported in the New York Times, "Experts said the information was vulnerable because Anthem did not take steps, like protecting the data in its computers though encryption..." eNet Systems is currently working with medical and dental practices to improve the security of their IT network.
How secure is the IT network of your medical or dental practice?
The Anthem breach discussed in the article above shows that many in the healthcare field are still susceptible to security breaches. With HIPAA fines looming, this is an unnecessary risk. Protect yourself with eNet Systems. Learn more.
RadioShack files for bankruptcy but its products may live on
The nearly century old, but lately struggling RadioShack has filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection. However, Sprint has agreed to create 1,750 jointly branded stores that would sell a combination of Sprint products and services and RadioShack products and accessories. |