Staying Safe While Holiday Shopping Online
The numbers increase each year. More and more people are beginning to shop online than in the stores. Doing holiday shopping online is convenient, but with it comes the risk of clicking on links in emails without carefully examining the validity of each email.
Your email inbox is likely getting bombarded with dangerous emails more this month that any other month in the year.
Here are some common holiday email scams
- Shipping vendors saying package was not delivered
We've seen a number of emails claiming to be from shipping vendors like FedEx, UPS, DHL and USPS who all say that they were unable to deliver a package. They either ask you to click a link or open an attachment for more information. Don't!
- Letters from Santa
Your children might like a letter from Santa. Thankfully, there are reputable sites that you can search for online. Just don't trust the random emails you get for this important task.
- Order receipts from online stores
A number of people have received emails claiming to be from companies like Best Buy and others offering an attachment as your order receipt. If you didn't order anything from Best Buy, don't open the attachment. If you did, go to the Best Buy website, log in and view your order status that way.
- Reward cards or offers
We've also seen a number of emails claiming to be from companies such as Amazon, CVS and more stating that if you complete a brief survey you will earn a $50 reward. Some even claim that you already earned your reward and it will expire soon if you don't use it. That's not likely.
Want more tips?
Top 100 iOS Apps of 2014
Sure, we could bring you some indepth information on just one bit of software, but what would a December newsletter be without a couple 'best of' lists. So here's one (and we've got more!). From Google Maps to Dragon Dictation, 2048 and iMovie, this is a must read list.
Get started here.
If you are a little crunched for time, consider the top 10 iPhone apps list. If you have already gone through your holiday shopping budget, then the top 50 free iPhone apps list is for you.
Technology and More Holiday Gift Guide
We promised more, and here it is. Why focus on just one hot new product, when there are so many to consider for the holidays. This master guide has several lists built in - gifts under $20 or $50 plus cool gadgets, geeky gifts, hardware, software and more. Get started here.
>>HOW TO<<
Responsible Recycling
If Santa does happen to bring you some new electronics and gadgets, you might be wondering what to do with your old devices. We found a good resource for recycling all sorts of electronics and more. Read more.
Happy Holidays from all of us at eNet Systems
During this wonderful holiday season, we want you to know how much we value our clients, prospects, business partners and colleagues. We wish you all a joyful and peaceful holiday season and a safe and prosperous New Year.

Special Pricing on HIPAA Focused IT Security Audit
If making your practice's IT network a little more secure is on your list of things to do, you're in luck. Until December 31, eNet is offering reduced pricing on our specialized Security Audit for the unique requirements of medical and dental practices. Call us at
281-403-9561 or view signup form.
Sony suffers huge cyber attack
According to cNet, a group calling itself the Guardians of Peace breached Sony Pictures' computer systems in late November. The group leaked financial documents, unreleased movies, confidential information about employees and celebrities, and details on the internal workings of Sony's computer security department. It also destroyed Sony's computer hard drives.
Instagram overtakes Twitter
Image-focused social network Instagram has reason to celebrate this holiday season as it reached the milestone of 300 million users. With this, Instagram topped Twitter which has 284 million users.
Apple/IBM venture begins to bear fruit
With its IBM partnership, Apple is getting deeper access into the corporate world. Last week, the companies release the first 10 apps as part of the IBM MobileFirst for iOS product line. The apps focus on a number of industries including telecommunications, airlines, insurance, banking and government. More than 100 apps are planned for future release.